Almost four years ago, some time in mid September 2006, I set foot in Glasgow for the second time in my life, only then I wasn’t just visiting – I was starting a new life there. The city had impressed me back in January or February earlier that year and I was very excited knowing that that was the place where I was going to take my education at university level.
I arrived by plane at Prestwick International and took a train into the city. Central Station was beautiful and when I walked out, Glasgow greeted me with light rain, almost as if saying ‘you’d better start getting used to it, boy’. I knew where the university was but I had no idea how to get to the halls so I simply headed for the main building and asked one of the security officers for directions. And that’s when I experienced Glaswegian helpfulness, and not for the first time – he offered to take me in his car to the halls. On the way he asked questions and told me a few interesting facts about the school and the West End. I struggled to understand what he was saying as I was not familiar with the accent at all. The exterior of the halls as well as the Student Village looked very neat (a far cry from what I was used to back in Poland) but inside, the flats resembled a prison more than cosy student accommodation, (although I didn’t complain).
The beginnings were very difficult and there were times I thought I’d just pack up and go back home, but I persisted. Looking for a job was a nightmare and each passing day took away some hope leaving me with very little of it left indeed but after about a month of looking for work, I managed to find it. Before classes began, I thought I’d have difficulties following lectures or doing coursework because of my English but these worries proved wrong and it tuned out that the months I had spent living and working in England were extremely helpful.
Soon after I started settling in, I made some friends and met T. who lived in the same building as I did and who was to be my companion for almost the rest of my stay in Glasgow.
It is only now, in hindsight that I can see how much has changed: when I arrived, I knew no one there, the city was almost completely strange to me and, of course, I had no idea what the future would bring; I left knowing that I was leaving behind a place and people who will always be in my heart but I was also leaving with a baggage of experience and knowledge, with nice and not so nice memories and with the thought that I will always be able to call the Green Place ‘home’.
(16.09.2006 – 19.08.2010)
1 comment:
Really very nice written.This tells the benefits of investing in the student accommodation and everyone should be in the favor of this since at present this is most important requirement of student and their parents when they go outside from own house for study. student accommodation Glasgow
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