I’ve just got on the coach and the first leg of my journey to Macedonia begins now. I’m going from Bytów to Warsaw via Chojnice, Bydgoszcz and Toruń (where someone is supposed to be waiting for me to give me Iza’s shoes). I really dislike not having a window seat but at least this time I can look through the windshield. My laptop is resting under the seat so I’m not writing this on it – instead, I have this nice black notebook. By the time I’m back home it’ll have contained everything I wrote on this trip. I’m not going to disclose what’s the plan for the next few days as I’m not entirely sure about it myself. All I can say is that it’s foggy (not the plan, the weather).
Pszczenica and Kleszczyniec are so far my favourite place names.
Some old cow sitting a few rows behind me asked me to switch my overhead light off. Apparently it was ‘bothering her’. I just hope this photophobic (photophobe?) doesn’t mind the light from my mobile phone screen.
I have pondered about the overhead light incident a bit and I think I know why she asked me to switch it off. Obviously because, like she said, it was bothering her. But there’s more: everyone on the coach has such a light above their head and they are the designed in a way that allows you to have yours on without causing discomfort to your fellow passengers, right? Whether I want to keep mine on or not is entirely up to me, the rest can fuck off. Well, not in Poland. The reason why that woman felt it was ok to request what she did was because in this country we learn from an early age to limit other people’s freedom. The idea of live and let live others is to some quite possibly as repugnant as the sight of a crucifix hung upside down.
Another nicely named village: Tryszczyn.
Bydgoszcz. 25 minute break. How I needed those two cigarettes!
This loud and weird girl telling people on the phone what a nice ‘hog dog’ she had and that she needed to use the loo but she didn’t want to spend 2zł…
Just a glimpse of Toruń – such a beautiful city! I need to come here soon, it’s been long since my last visit. I’ve missed it.
Wychódźc – another cool name.
Arrived in Warsaw.
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