Friday, 14 May 2010

Ask the Imam


A concerned reader asks:

“Is it a sin to look at women in my workplace? Is it a sin to greet women? Sometimes i dont greet them when i see them and i feel that they think i am rude. Doesnt this give them a bad impression of me? How should a muslim man conduct himself when dealing with a women at work?”

A ‘learned’ Muslim ‘scholar’ provides an answer:

ImamKindly refer below our standard reply to similar queries.
and Allah Ta'ala Knows Best
Mufti Ebrahim Desai

“Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, 'A person does not seclude himself
with a woman except that the third one is the Shaytaan.' (Targheeb part3
It is, therefore, extremely important for a person to exercise great
precaution in getting into contact with strange women. You should avoid it
under all circumstances. Rather, you should seek alternate venues or make
some type of agreement with the woman so that you do not clash or come into
contact with each other.”


This is no joke. I didn’t make it up (I swear to Allah), it’s a genuine question and answer.

I’m lost for words. Honestly, how stupid (or brainwashed) can people be?

1 comment:

Asia.Samasia said...

Allah forbid you should read this post from a strange woman like me, but I totally agree with you ;> Religion sucks.