Wednesday, 24 February 2010

ABC of Scotland

Writing ABCs of different kinds is not a new idea so I'm not going to pretend to be some kind of a genius and say that I invented it. However, I haven't found anything of this sort on the internet (maybe I haven't looked well enough) and surely there isn't anything like that written from my perspective (how could there be? :)
So, over the next several weeks I'm hoping to produce a full ABC of Scotland with an emphasis on Glasgow, since that's where I've lived for the last few years. Actually, this isn't going to be an ABC of Scotland as such, as I don't feel I know the Scotland outside of Glasgow that well but that’s how I’ve called it. In short, it's going to be mostly about Glasgow, with some points universal for Scotland (and sometimes for the rest of the UK) and some referring to the rest of the land but not to this city.
Makes sense? Hope so!
In my ABC, I will try to write down my observations and opinions about different aspects of life here and I’d like to make it clear now that these are solely MY personal observations, opinions and feelings and that I understand that other people can disagree with me.


Morloth said...

no dobra, tyle wstępu, a gdzie reszta? :P

zarazek said...

No czekaj, myślałeś, że zaraz cały alfabet napiszę?