Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Zarazek goes .eu

and wants break free from Spaces Live

Whilst doing my usual aimless browsing on the internet, I stumbled across an advert which said  you could get a .eu domain for a year without paying a penny. I thought it was a brilliant offer and, without thinking much, I decided to go for it. So, from then on you can access my blog by typing a much shorter and easier to remember address www.zarazek.eu.

The www. part is important as my poor skills didn’t allow me resolve the problem of having to have two parts of the address. If someone knows how I can change it to work even if only zarazek.eu is typed, please let me know.

Isn’t it strange that when I was registering and chose the UK as my address the website said I had to be in the EU and it wouldn’t let me continue with the registration? I had to change the address to Poland.

I’ve spent the whole evening trying to figure out how to move my blog onto a different service and it seems like Microsoft do their best not to let this happen.

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