Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Lange See


There is a lake not far from Bytów which is known by many locals by its German name ‘Lange See’ (Long lake) and whose Polish name is Jezioro Długie. Cycling there is very easy as the path leads, throughout almost its entire distance, along a now defunct railway line Bytów – Miastko. My little sister wanted to go there with me because she’d never been there before. So we took our bikes and set off on a trip (19th). Of course, we took the opportunity and swam in the lake too.

Footpath along the tracks (which are now invisible under the vegetation)

  Bridge under the railway embankment

 Lange See

 On the embankment

 Rusałka Pawik (Inachis io)

European Peacock butterfly

Rusałka Pawik (Inachis io)




Unknown said...

Widzisz jaka Polska jest piękna:) A rusałka jest zajebista, podobaja mi się polskie motyle.

zarazek said...

Jaka Polska? Kaszuby! :P

Nie wiem, czy taka zajebista, widziałem ładniejsze, ale tylko temu udało mi się zrobić zdjęcie. A zauważyłaś pająka obok motyla? Ja jak zdjęcie robiłem, to nie widziałem :)

Morloth said...

A Kaszuby to co? Taka sama Polska jak Mazury, Kujawy itp.