Wednesday, 29 April 2009

New flat


I’m finally in my new flat and to be perfectly honest I’m not enjoying it too much. I’ve never lived on my own and am not used to this.

Since the flat isn’t furbished yet (and gods know when I will be able to afford basic furniture), I’m about to sleep on the floor which I’m not really looking forward to. Hopefully it will be uncomfortable enough for me to wake up (very) early in the morning as I’m working tomorrow.

It’s taken me the whole day to move all my stuff and there’s still some things (like the axolotl and the goldfish) left at my old place.

I don’t like this area, the people are weird, they speak an incomprehensible language and all they seem to do is drinking and taking drugs. Let’s hope not everyone fits this description and that at least my new neighbours turn out decent people.

So, even though I still lack basic amenities such as a fridge or even a cooker, all my friends are more than welcome to come with a visit if they want to see me, Glasgow or Scotland.

Sunday, 26 April 2009

Weakest Link


Q: The newspapers La Stampa and La Repubblica are published in which European country?
A: Mexico


Yes, she won.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009


(pronounced exactly like ‘I wee’)


People are crazy about new shitty gadgets whose names begin with ‘i’. I think it all began with Apple and their iMacs but I’m not entirely sure. Then other iThings followed. Amongst those I remember, there are iPod, iPhone, iBook, iTunes, iRiver, iVillage, iPlayer and iShit. The last one of course being made up by me, but who knows what the iFuture brings.

It reminds me of the e-things obsession of the 90s, only this one I hope won’t go on for this long.

I’m a happy iOwner of no iThing and let it stay this iWay.



They’ve just showed a ‘report’ on BBC news about Obama’s bloody dog. What is wrong with this world? This surely can’t be news material, can it?

I don’t think I will ever be understand this ongoing ‘obamomania’. Fuck!

It seems as if there hasn’t been a single day this year when another piece of ‘news’ about Obama wouldn’t reach me.

And here it goes again… ‘President Obama said bla bla bla…’







Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Pacific Quay – my first panoramic photos


I went yesterday down to the Pacific Quay and took lots of photos which I then stitched to make some stunning (in my opinion) panoramic pictures.

Here’s a link to the gallery :


Sunday, 5 April 2009

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Scottish countryside


(Click to see it full size)